Monday, December 14, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
FPT 12 - Metro Anniversary Special
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Metro Card Club site down?
1 week to go...
Friday, November 6, 2009
Metro 500 Part II
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Metro 500
Monday, November 2, 2009
Once a player, always a player...
But it wasn't enough. I went back to the Metro a few days ago. Everything was going well bankroll-wise until yesterday. The Metro has this promo where players can register for a freeroll if they can put in 150 hours for the whole month of November. I only need 142.5 hours to go but I'm already throwing in the towel. With work and the baby, I definitely won't reach 150 hours. Even if I did, it'll cost me a lot and it's not going to be much of a freeroll. Take yesterday for example. I bought in for Php 1,000 and I was up Php 3,000. I normally should've stood but I was only there for 2 hours and I needed at least 5 hours per day. Long story short, I lost Php 4,000.
I'll probably be back this week. But this time, I won't aim for the hours. I'll just play the way I should and quit when I'm ahead.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Poker Bankroll (or rather, the lack of it...)
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
FPT10 - Trivia
FPT10 - Day1a
Thursday, July 30, 2009
FPT 10 - Prologue
Saturday, July 18, 2009
FPT10 Metro Hi-5 Pre-registration
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Filipino Poker Tour on TV
Saturday, July 4, 2009
FPT10 Metro Hi-5 Schedule
Friday, July 3, 2009
Friday Metro 75
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Online Satellites to The Metro Hi-5
Sign up for a PokerStars account now
Thursday, June 25, 2009
New Poker Room in Metro Manila
Monday, June 8, 2009
Metro Saturday Freeroll
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
The Best Online Poker Room
Manny Pacquiao Poker Tournament
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Metro Schedule this June
P200,000 Guaranteed!
P1000 buy in w/ 1 re-buy and add on
100 Players MAX! Register Now!
Mondays, 7PM Sharp
P225,000 Guaranteed!
P3000 buy in, Freezeout!
80 Players MAX! Register Now!
Wednesdays, 7PM Sharp
P75,000 Guaranteed!
P1000 buy in, Freezeout!
80 Players MAX! Register Now!
Fridays, 7pm Sharp
P350,000 Guaranteed!
P2000 buy in w/ 1 re-buy or add on
150 Players MAX! Register Now!
Saturdays, 2PM Sharp
Only @ THE METRO. See you! :-)
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Hi-5 Teaser
Metro Special Tourney
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The Ring Finger and Gambling
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Back to Poker...
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Welcome Back Yoko
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Hellmuth vs Leonidas USPC 2003
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Poker Face

Saturday, April 25, 2009
FHM Poker Night - Field Report
Thursday, April 23, 2009
WSOP 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009
Daniel Negreanu on X-Men Origins
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Open Letter to Joey De Leon
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Most Searched, Denim Ong
FHM Sexy Poker Night
Friday, April 10, 2009
Share this blog on Facebook
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Daniel Negreanu on Twitter
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Daniel Negreanu's $10 Challenge
Monday, April 6, 2009
More Congratulations...
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Denim Ong Cup Results
Monday, March 30, 2009
Good News and Bad News
This is to enlighten everyone on exactly what went down at Pocket Ace last Friday.100K Garaunteed TournyPool Prize:100k - 10% service = 90kTotal re-buys and add-ons = 22,500Total Pool prize = 112,500This is where all the controversy started and let me enumerate each one.1) 4 tables left, someone (Not an employee and no longer in the tourny) proposed a payout structure on behalf of the management as follows:Final 30 players will be garaunteed a 1k satellite ticket for 2009 ASIANGEM 4th PagCor World Charity Poker Tournament. This 30k will be deducted from the pool prize. (are they crazy? announcing something like this during the tourny! too many objections and this was a dead issue from the beggining). Funny thing is, they continued to try to negotiate in including the satellite tickets from 30 to the equivalent of the re-buys and add-ons, which is 22,500k, too many violent reactions.2) Final 2 tables, this same person drafted a payout structure to the 20 finalist as follow:11th to 20th place 2k = 20k112,500 - 20k = 92,5001st to 10th will be the standard percentage payout from 92,500.Everyone agreed to this, there was no objections.3) When it was down to the final table, a new proposal was drafted and invoked, not proposed to the players by the management.1st to 20th garaunteed 2k1st to 10th will be the standard percentage payout from 72,500The difference in the 2 payout structures is very minimal which is aside from the main point. A payout structure has already been proposed and agreed upon on. Why change it during the final table? Management states that they did not present the initial proposal and insist on the second one.I don't want to mention any names, but one person walked out and did not continue to play and claim the prize. He wants to set an example and make a stand for the poker industry. I admired him for this but all I wanted to do at that time was to finish the tourny, get my money and go home.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Poker in a Mask

Friday, March 20, 2009
Denim Ong Cup
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
A Message from Del Ty
1. Kent del Rosario 3m
2. Dexter Cokehyeng 1.65m
3. Mon Santos - Metro Davao 1m
4. Robert Browning - Bravio Cebu 600k
5. Dana Go Coyuito 500k
6. Erik Fam - Singapore 400k
7. Del TY 300k
8. Rizzie Galan 250k
9. Philip Chua 200k
note all local players are metro regulars. Thank you MetroCard Club - all the owners, officers, dealers, and
support staff (esp. Mr. Brian Malantic) for presenting the successful PERFECT TEN POKER TOURNEY. Thank you PokerStars and Filipino POKER Tour TEAMs (headed by Mr. Alan Escano) for the photo/video production of this historic event. Thank you POKERMANILA TEAM (esp. 11fingers and pocketjoe) for your pictures and live update. THANK YOU ALL MY CO PARTICIPANTS AND PATIENT AUDIENCES WHO HELP MAKE PHILIPPINE POKER HISTORY.
METROCARD Club the PERFECT place to play poker… with great and awesome ambiance… cool and friendly BEAUTIFUL people.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Lost 100
Monday, March 16, 2009
Kent Del Rosario wins Perfect 10
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Paradigm Shift
Philip 'Idol' Chua
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Perfect 10 - Fearless Forecast
- Neil Arce aka Dirty Ice Cream
- Nicky Filart aka 11Finger
- Rinah Garcia
- Keshniel of PokerManila (sorry bro, I don't know your name)
- Franco Mabanta
- Ed Marcelo
- Lou Pacia
- Sunshine Samson
- Nick Schlebek (not sure how to spell your last name bro)
- Ronnel Sto Tomas aka Noob
Monday, March 9, 2009
Buyer for Perfect 10 Seat
Ross, i'll pass the responsibility to you. find me a seat for 18K, i'll buy it and let YOU play it. let's talk terms later...
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Card Dead
Thursday, March 5, 2009
PokerManila MegaFreeroll Pictures
Sunday, March 1, 2009
PokerManila MegaFreeroll Field Report
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
FPT Airdates
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
'Swerte sa Sugal; Malas sa Pag-ibig'
Thursday, February 5, 2009
PokerManila MegaFreeroll
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Perfect 10 Staker
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Neil Arce wins APT Philippines 2009
Neil Arce - APT Philippines 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
The Perfect Proposal

The Perfect 10 guarantees P10 Million. That alone should be more than enough reason to join this tournament. The tournament is slated for March 12-15, 2009 at The Metro. It costs P28,000 to join for a chance to win more than P3 Million.
- If I make it to the money, I'll give back the stake amount for each staker and I'll provide a freeroll for all stakers total to half the net profit.
- If I make it to the final table, I'll give back the stake amount 5x and a freeroll for all stakers.
- If I win 1st place, I'll give back the stake amount 10x and freeroll for all stakers.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Metro Card Club Wiki Entry
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Worst Bad Beat Ever
Monday, January 12, 2009
More Than Just Poker
Reading People
From the Poker Table to the Conference Table
Ross Del Rosario
We often hear that communication is composed of three parts, what you say, how you say it and body language. Of these three components, the actual words used have the smallest portion in the message being delivered. The pitch of ones voice, intonation and pace when saying the words weigh more in getting the message across. However, body language has a bigger role in communication than the first two combined. And this is a fact that is often applied in the poker table than anywhere else.
Poker players are accomplished liars, at least on the table. It’s foolish to base ones decisions solely on what the opponent said. Seasoned poker players have also learned to sound convincing. Not only do they say they have great cards when they’re bluffing, but they say it in a way that it sounds believable. The caveat is that to the meticulous observer, their body language gives them away. This is what poker players try to look for when playing. There’s a lot of communication going on in the workplace and lessons learned from reading body language are as applicable in there as they are on the poker table.
Here are a few things to watch out for when communicating in the office with a superior, colleague, subordinate or customer.
The Head
Tilting the head to the side shows interest. That’s as much as can be said about head tilting.
There’s also lifting and dropping heads. Lifting shows confidence while dropping means the opposite. This is often seen when people greet each other and shows what their mood is at that time. This assumes that the people are about the same height. If they’re not, this doesn’t apply at all.
The Eyes
When excited, the iris dilates (the iris gets smaller). If your boss’ iris dilates after your pitch for a project, then you know you’ve hit the spot. You may just be able to get an increase in the budget for that project.
When people try to remember, their eyes move to your right (assuming that the person is directly in front and not at an angle). When they’re trying to create, their eyes move to your left. If you asked a subordinate where his report is and he answered after looking to your left, he may not be completely truthful and may be making up reasons. He’s trying to reach in his right brain hemisphere where creativity is controlled. A little bit more root-cause analysis may be required.
Closing the eyes, blinking more than usual or rubbing the eye with a finger means the person didn’t like what they saw. Be wary of a person who touches their eye right when you came to view.
Closed eyes combined with a dropped head means the person is sleeping. If he’s your subordinate, wake him up.
The Mouth
Licking lips, biting lips and hiding lips are all signs of hesitance. There’s a good chance that the person displaying any of these behaviors have something to say and may just need a little coaxing. Unconsciously, their mind is trying to tell them to restrain themselves from speaking but it still stands that they have something on their minds. They won’t be effective listeners if their minds are still filled with thoughts.
As with eyes, touching the mouth or covering the mouth means the person said something he knows deep inside he shouldn’t have. It can be a secret or a lie or even as simple as something he really isn’t sure of.
The Ears
Given that the ears don’t move, the only thing that can be said about it is if a person rubs their ears. It often means they don’t agree with what they heard. You may want to rephrase what you said or alter it completely before the receiving end disagrees with you completely.
The Hands
Hands can be seen massaging different parts of their bodies. Hands rub the temples, nape, face, forehead, neck and hands can rub each other. These are signs that the person is in a deep thought. They’re thinking of something important to them that they have to relieve the stress with self-massaging. If your boss is seen massaging himself, it’s not the best time to ask for a raise.
Hands can also be seen with fingers touching each other and pointing up. This means that the person is considering something he’s happy with. If the fingers are interlocked, it doesn’t necessarily mean he’s happy about what’s in his mind. Except if the interlocked fingers are on top of his head and he’s leaning back. That’s a positive sign of approval.
The Posture
People lean forward when they’re interested and lean back when they’re not. Picture a jaded co-worker and they’re probably leaning back on their chairs the whole time. If they’re leaning forward, they’re probably updating their Facebook on their computers.
The Feet
Feet indicate interest. If ones feet point to a person, then they’re interested in that person; if the feet are oriented towards the door, the person wants to go out. Their whole posture can indicate one thing but if their feet say otherwise, it’s safe to listen to the feet. Let’s say two colleagues are talking with each other and their feet are facing each other, then a third person joins the discussion, even if their torsos face the newcomer but their feet stay put, they’re just being polite but the newcomer is not welcome to join them. If you’re the third person, take a hint.
In poker, these are called tells and person adept to reading these tells do a whole lot better at the tables. But these tells are not only limited to poker players. The better one is to reading people, the more informed their decisions will be. But all of these tells should be taken in their proper context. One has to analyze them properly to decode what they mean. Practice reading co-workers and you may be steps ahead at the conference table.